Sabtu, 07 April 2012



     There are millions tribes in this world. These tribes are different each others that make diversify of tribes. The differences of tribes also make each tribes have the unique customs. One of the unique tribes is Eskimo. Have you ever heard Eskimo? The word “Eskimo” means eaters of raw meat. Eskimos are part of traditional tribes who live in a region that spans more than 3,500 miles, including Greenland, the northern fringe of North America, and a sector of eastern Siberia. Eskimos have unique behavior such as the way they survive their life and the way they live with several laws.
     Eskimos hunt for their food. They eat raw fish, sea mammals and a few land mammals. The cold water of the Arctic make the Eskimos get their food easier. They hunt seals, salmon, cod, whales, and other sea life. They know about ice that covers the sea in the winter.  They also know where to go on that ice to find the seals. On land, they hunt caribou and geese in the summer. In the winter, they hunt polar bears, foxes, and hares. Their favorite foods are seal and caribou meat, walrus liver, and the skin of whales.
     Like another tribes, Eskimos have several laws for man and woman. The man has to hunt the food, drives the dog sled, rows the boat, and builds shelters. A woman must make clothes for her family. She also looks after the children and cooks for her family. However, man and woman need each other. Sometimes a woman helps her husband, the other time a man helps his wife. The most important rule is all members should help each other in the struggle for life. The other rule is each person should live peacefully with the others.
     Eskimo is a name for the people who eat the raw meat. Eskimos are one of tribes who live in a region that spans more than 3,500 miles from Greenland to eastern Siberia. Eskimos hunt for some animals for surviving their life. They also have several rules or laws. Eskimo is one of unique tribes in the world that still keep their unique customs until now.

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Chalk Zone: The Wiggies

Chalk Zone: The Wiggies
          One day, Rudy, Snap, and Penny went to Wiggie Island in Chalk Zone. They found an accordion worm there. Suddenly, something weird came closer from the shrub. It was a wiggie. It ate Penny’s hair. Rudy tried to save Penny, but it attacked Rudy. Finally, Rudy and Penny could back to Penny’s house.
          Penny’s and Rudy’s hair was covered with Wiggie’s glue. They cleaned their hair from the Wiggie’s glue. Unfortunately, Rudy’s forgot to erase the portal. The Wiggies come to Penny’s room from the portal. And they that all that looked like hair such as fur. When Rudy and Penny were back to Penny’s room, Rudy realized that he forgot to close the portal. And they knew that the Wiggies attacked the city at that time.
          People were attacked by the Wiggies. Penny and Rudy tried to find the solution of this problem. Rudy decided to go back to the chalk zone. A Wiggie attacked Penny. Penny was bald. Meanwhile, Snap played the accordion warm in chalk zone. Suddenly Rudy came. Snap told Rudy that he must brought the Wiggies back to chalk zone. Rudy tried it.
          The situation in the city was going bad. Everyone was attacked by the Wiggies which ate hair. People became bald. The government, the professor, the animals, Reggy and the broadcaster of television were bald. It was really strange situation.
          Rudy have a good idea to solve this problem. He wore a jacket that full with fur to attract the Wiggies’ attention. It really worked. The Wiggies followed Rudy. Rudy brought them to the portal, then Penny erase the portal. Finally, the problem was solved. After this problem, people came to wig shop to buy a wig because almost all of them were bald.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Chalk Zone: School of Destruction

Chalk Zone: School of Destruction
            A man brought his lizard to Penny’s mother. In fact, that man was Penny’s idol, Betty Bombast. He gave Penny four backstage tickets for his concert that night. Meanwhile, Rudy was watching Betty Bombast on television in his home. He could not wait any longer to meet his idol that night. A few minute later, Penny was coming. She told Rudy that Betty Bombast just visited her home and he gave Penny backstage tickets. Rudy was happy. Unfortunately, Rudy’s mother found Rudy’s report card. She knew that Rudy got Cs for all the subjects in his school. She did not allow Rudy to see the concert that night. Rudy still wanted to see the concert. He had a great idea. He went to chalk zone and tried to find Penny, then watched the concert there.
            In backstage, Penny and her mother met Betty Bombast. He asked Penny’s mother to take care his lizard, but his lizard run away. Rudy found the portal that made by Penny. He watched concert there.
            Unfortunately, Penny dropped the portal. Betty Bombast looked at Snap there. He pulled Snap to the stage. Rudy wanted to help Snap. She drew a portal in Betty’s board and pulled Snap to back to chalk zone. Finally, Rudy could bring Snap to chalk zone.
            Rudy’s mother watched news from television about the concert. She saw Rudy on the concert. She got angry at him. Suddenly, Betty Bombast visited Rudy house. He wanted to say thanks to Rudy for helping so much in his concert. Rudy also gave inspiration for his next video.

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Chalk Zone: Pumpkin Love

Chalk Zone: Pumpkin Love
            At a Halloween night, Penny came to Rudy’s house quickly. She was shocked by Rudy who wore ghost costume. Rudy showed Penny his ghost design for Halloween contest. Penny was very interested with it. When they were going to school, their enemy Reggy disturbed them. Rudy decided to go to school by a portal from the Chalk Zone.
            There was a Halloween in Chalk Zone too. When Rudy would going to his class room, Snap came. Snap asked Rudy to visit a grave and enjoy the Halloween party there. Rudy met many skulls and ghosts there. The party was started with a concert from the ghost. The king of the ghost was falling in love with the ghost which was made by Rudy. The king of ghost wanted to marry that ghost.
            At Rudy’s school, Rudy’s teacher was checked the students attended. But Rudy was not in his table. Penny told the teacher that Rudy would be here in a few minutes. The Halloween contest in Rudy’s school was begun without Rudy.
            In Chalk Zone, Rudy found a way how to enter to the king of ghost’s castle. Actually the king of ghost was preparing his wedding party. Rudy disguised as a clergyman to takes that ghost. But Rudy’s disguise failed. All of the ghosts were hunting him. Luckily, Snap saved Rudy. They escaped from the ghost by a flying broom.
            Finally, Rudy looked the portal to his class room. Rudy came into the portal and succeeded to scare everybody in the class room. Rudy’s teacher awarded first place for the ghost which was made by Rudy. He also awarded first place to Reggy Burner for his costume.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Chalk Zone: Let’s Twister Again

Chalk Zone: Let’s Twister Again

            Rudy and Penny went to chalk zone in a sunny day. They want to make a bigger rainbow that was made by prism. Penny pointed the prism to the sun, and it made a beautiful rainbow. Suddenly, the big twister came to the chalk zone. Then, they met Snap. Snap told them that there was a twister before it. That day was twister all day long. It made people in the chalk zone panic. Snap told Rudy that this twister came from the same place.
            Rudy, Snap and Penny wanted to solve this problem. Penny had a great idea. She thought that another big twister will crack this twister. Rudy drew another twister. It worked. Then they went to the source of twister. In fact, the twister came from a preschool. There was a boy who likes to draw twister.
            Penny decided that she would stop that boy. She disguised as Ms. Blackboard. Penny tried to stop the boy. But she cannot stop him. Meanwhile in chalk zone, Rudy drew a hungry cloud. It would eat twister. Penny tried to stop that boy again, but the boy drew a dangerous storm. It made disorder in chalk zone. The hungry cloud cannot stop the storm.
            Penny dropped her prism. The boy was interested to Penny’s prism. Finally, the boy wanted to draw rainbow. But the boy drew too much rainbow.
            In chalk zone, Rudy and Snap had a new problem. There is too much rainbow that attacked chalk zone.